Saturday, January 8, 2011

Daniel's Grilled Cheese Sandwich

Daniel has had an interest in helping out in the cooking for awhile now.  I have taken time here and there to show him around the kitchen, he's getting pretty good at helping clean up and making simple foods on his own.

When he asked for a grilled cheese sandwich it occurred to me that this is a perfect time to give him some new experience in the kitchen. We've always talked about being safe around the stove, but this is the first time he has got to use the stove himself.  He was a little concerned about being too close, which is good, but then we talked about how dangerous it is to be afraid of the stove. 

 We talked about how quick reactions can create problems, but that we need to be confident around the stove.  We talked about how the confidence comes with experience.  For example once he discovered where the heat level increased he was more comfortable putting the cheese on, and was even more comfortable with putting the top piece on.

I was flipped it for him this time, and then took it out with spatula without a word from me.  Unfortunately I took this picture for forgot to get a picture of the finished product, so I will just leave the rest up to your imagination.  He was very happy to have made his first grilled cheese sandwich mostly on his own.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Taking an Interest

One of the many things that is taking a hold of my heart from the Lifestyle of Learning teachings is the value of taking an interest in what interests our children.

Tiana has been wanting me to run with her.  She has told me that she feels like her legs need to move and she needs to run.  Last summer I ran with her a couple of times in the neighborhood and ended up throwing in the towel, deciding running wasn't my thing, not gonna do it ever again.  But it seems that the Lord has recently gotten a hold of my heart and led me to actually want to run with Tiana.  It has helped that the school next door has put in a running track so that she can run at her pace... far - far ahead of me.  Another motivating factor is that my body is showing symptom that it is in need of some form of exercise.  I am looking forward to both the relational and physical benefits of taking up this particular interest of Tiana's.  
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